I first learned of Morning Pages from Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way. I have been fairly disciplined to do my pages every day however, I have found myself out of practice in the last year or so.
Morning pages is a writing activity that involves writing three pages of stream of consciousness in longhand, first thing in the morning. According to Cameron, this can help us think through problems and improve our creativity. It allows us to discover and recover our true creative selves. This has been a tried and tested tool to help overcome creative blocks. The magic of morning pages that it is a therapeutic brain "dump"...you don't have to check grammar, think what you want to say through or searching for “just the right word” with these pages. It’s simply putting pen to paper and writing whatever comes to mind. And it's not just for artists or creative types: boosting creativity can help anyone to problem solve in many areas of our lives, making this a worthwhile activity for anyone. About the Challenge: Join me in recommitting to this process! For 21 days we will commit to writing three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing first thing in the morning. Or if you like using journal apps or other alternative ways of writing, you are welcome to do that as well. We will share what happens regarding our creativity as well as how this practice affects other areas of our lives. The goal is to practice a self-care ritual for self discovery, clear the path for creativity, and joy. We will also create a virtual space where people could push themselves to explore their own creativity and their own minds — and do it with support, resources, insights from fellow creatives! . By joining this challenge you’ll get access to all that and more. There will also be a workshop about how to make Morning Pages work for you. There will be videos and check ins from me. There will be community support. There will also be prizes. YOU deserve to have access to this life-changing tool in your life. YOU deserve to have a community of support in your efforts to grow personally. We start the February 13, 2023! Join us! What are Morning Pages? According Julia Cameron, author of the The Artist's Way, Morning Pages are "three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. Do not over-think Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page...and then do three more pages tomorrow." What is the benefits of a Morning Pages practice? 1. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand 2. Clears your mind 3. Helps unblock creativity 4. Decreases anxiety 5. Generates great ideas 6. Healthy way to vent emotions From https://journey.cloud/morning-... Do I have to be "creative" to participate? This challenge is open to anyone who would like to access the benefits of a daily journaling practice. How should I prepare? Make sure to get a pen and a dedicated journal or notebook or writing/journaling app or even a Word document to type or write in. Make sure you have enough room to do three pages a day for 21 days. Get up at least 15 to 30 minutes earlier each day to write in the journal. What should I expect? A lot of insight, support and camaraderie as well as unblocking your creative flow.February 13 - March 5, 2023. Register for this free challenge bellow!
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