Many people ask me how I make time to create with so much going on in my life. Part of it is because I am a Gemini (ha,ha)...but mostly is because I learned the hard way what it feels like to not be able to create. I decided once I unblocked myself, it was important for me to nurture and encourage my creative muse at all costs. To say that it has been easy would be untrue....there are days and weeks when my other world takes precedent and I am unable to make my creative practice a priority. But in those times, I make note of the things that inspire me, the ideas that come to me, and the images that get my attention. When the time comes again for me to resume my creative practice, I collect the ideas, images, etc., that I found during the time of unproductivity which helps me jump start my creative practice without searching for ideas. So you may be telling yourself, that's great for you, but how can I possibly fit in my creative practice when I have a household to run, a full-time job, care taking of elderly parents, and other demands on my time? Here are a few ideas to help you determine whether or not that is truly a reality for you:
Once you decide that your creativity IS an important part of your life that should not be given to chance, you can take the steps to infuse it into your schedule. Don't worry about how much time you can spend right away, as you move forward and become more disciplined, you will find that it will take the right place in your schedule naturally.
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July 2024